Library » Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship

The week of October 14th-18th is Digital Citizenship Week. In the upcoming weeks I will be sharing different stories with Lamar Students and talking to them about being safe online. Here at Lamar I do this through stories and other things the students can relate too.
During the first lesson I will be sharing the story of Once Upon a Time Online and discussing the importance of having an adults permission to use technology and going on the internet. 
During the second lesson I will be sharing the story of The Technology Tail: A Digital Footprint Story and discussing the importance of being responsible about what you share and being nice online. I will teach them the to think before they post online by asking these five simple questions: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it Kind?
During the third lesson I will be sharing the story of Nerdy Birdy Tweets and discussing the importance of all of the above and not forgetting your true friends around you.
During the last lesson I will be sharing the story of The Fabulous Friend Machine and we will discuss in further detail the information kids should never share online. 

Here are some great helpful tips that I will be reinforcing over the next few weeks.