The week of October 14th-18th is Digital Citizenship Week. In the upcoming weeks I will be sharing different stories with Lamar Students and talking to them about being safe online. Here at Lamar I do this through stories and other things the students can relate too.
During the first lesson I will be sharing the story of Once Upon a Time Online and discussing the importance of having an adults permission to use technology and going on the internet.
During the second lesson I will be sharing the story of The Technology Tail: A Digital Footprint Story and discussing the importance of being responsible about what you share and being nice online. I will teach them to think before they post online by asking these five simple questions: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it Kind?
During the third lesson I will be sharing the story of Nerdy Birdy Tweets and discussing the importance of all of the above and not forgetting your true friends around you.
During the last lesson I will be sharing the story of The Fabulous Friend Machine and we will discuss in further detail the information kids should never share online.